Honduras Capucas Coffee

COCAFCAL (Cooperativa Capucas Limitada) is located in western Honduras, in the buffer zone of the Celaque National Park. This amazing nature reserve is a cloud forest containing the country’s highest mountain. The cooperative represents many coffee farming communities from the municipalities of San Pedro and Corquin, in Copan. Together, they work to promote the sustainable development of their local economy with coffee funds in order to receive financial, technical, productive and marketing services for members and families. Reducing poverty and increasing standards of life for their community are their main objectives. Their development programs have benefited approximately 5,000 people in Las Capucas and surrounding regions. Members are dedicated to growing sustainable conventional, organic and Fair Trade coffees.

The farms consist of the varietals composed of: Caturra, Catuai, Borbon and Paca trees. This Fair Trade Organic coffee exhibits chocolate, clean, sweet, full body and light acidity.



Cafe Capucas